>>                ...                  its users job to
>> passing parameters according to call specification of
>> .dll function.
> Yes, but I think it's not only Harbour.
> Apply the patch attached to testdll.prg
> Could someone test that about xBase++ and/or xHarbour?

Sorry, I can't see your point. It's a fact 
that GPF can be caused by passing wrongly 
formatted _raw_ parameters to C level functions.

It's not Harbour's job to protect against it.
Harbour's job is to create a working interface 
in pure .c, which makes it possible for users 
to pass these raw parameters from Harbour level 
to .c level. That's all. It's currently tackled 
together using ASM code, and this is the problem, 
because it's non-portable, CPU, compiler and 
compiler-setting dependent.

From this point it's users responsibility to 
pass parameters properly.


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