
Was thinking a bit more about this... I suppose there are some things in
Clipper and Harbour that are not compatible.. such as long variable names...

Since this likely won't be changed, as I also prefer long variable names...
but would would be the best way to do to just keep going ahead with porting
our old .PRG's to Harbour?


On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Viktor Szakáts <> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Variables in Harbour can be over 10 characters. In clipper these can be
> > written as 10+ characters but only the 1st 10 are used at compile time.
> > When variables are saved to a .mem file only 10 characters are saved,
> > however when they are restored they are 10 characters, but the code
> > that references them can be 10+ characters, which causes undefined
> > variables. I had 60 variables in that situation and had to make several
> > hundred variable name changes to ensure everything is not more than 10
> chars.
> > As well, an unknown number of other variable references are waiting to
> explode
> > in situations such as:
> >
> >   Local MyVariable:=10
> >   ? MyVariableValue // will crash in Harbour but not in Clipper
> It will RTE, not crash. It's not the same, when we read
> 'crash', it suggests the it's a Harbour system crash.
> This is a known problem, and it's a limitation of the
> .mem file format. It's not possible to solve it without
> breaking CA-Cl*pper compatibility.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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