> vszakats wrote:
>> 2010-02-03 20:59 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu)
>>  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
>>    + Enabled -workdir option for non -inc modes.
>>    * Change default workdir to be the OS temp dir.
>>      Please test it, especially on non-win OSes.
> This is good, and can be even more, if this directory is 
> unique per session in OS temp dir too.

This again involves creating/deleting dirs, which 
I don't want to add for already explained reasons.
Then you have to define what "session" is. For 
sure we have no portable way to get unique IDs for 
processes. It's possible that some OS will give 
you "session" specific temp dirs though. On Windows 
for Windows apps, this is true for user / remote 
terminal sessions. I don't know which ones give you 
process specific temp dirs, if that's what you had 
in mind.

Anyhow I added {HB_TEMPDIR} macro so you can roll your 
own work dir if you append "session" specific dir 
after it using '-workdir={HB_TEMPDIR}/<MY_SESS_ID>'.

Make sure to create this dir before calling hbmk2.


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