On Wed, 03 Feb 2010, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:
> > You are freeing directly or indirectly HRB module which is currently
> > executed. HRB modules are unloaded automatically when all references to
> > pHRB variable returned by hb_hrbLoad() are cleared.
> > Fix you code to keep HRB module alive as long as it is used.
> Here is the code that run the hrb
> hb_threadDetach( hb_threadStart( @processcall(), Self, nSocket ) )
> function processcall( oServer, nSocket )
>             if !empty( pHRB := hb_hrbload( cBinFile ) )
>                xResult := hrbmain()

I guess you loading public function hrbmain() from different threads
simultaneously without any protection. Only _one_ public function with
the same name can exist. You do not have any protection so it's possible

   xResult := hrbmain()

begins to execute HRB code loaded by other thread and before it finish
the other threads unloads the HRB module.
Look at hbhrb.ch and <nOptions> in:

   HB_HRBLOAD( [ <nOptions>, ] <cHrb> [, <xparams,...> ] ) -> <pHrb>

and read related ChangeLog entires, i.e.:

   2009-06-19 18:38 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
   2009-06-19 14:09 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)

or simply migrate to static functions only. You can use

   HB_HRBGETFUNSYM( <pHRB>, <cFuncName> ) -> <sFuncSym>

to extract function symbol from HRB module, i.e.:

   if !empty( sFunc := hb_hrbGetFunSym( pHRB, "HRBMAIN" ) )
      xResult := sFunc:exec()

HB_HRB_BIND_FORCELOCAL converts automatically all functions to static ones
when HBR module is loaded.

>          always
>             if !empty( pHRB )
>                hb_hrbunload( pHRB )
>             endif

This is not necessary for current code so you can remove these lines.

best regards,
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