
sorry, but which should I use? I mean, .hbp is for options, so I'd say that
-mt or -gui have to go there.

.hbm is for source files, but how do I state dependencies or the like?

Given a bunch of .prg, .ch, .c and .h files, is there some syntax to follow to
write them inside a .hbm file?

And a .hbc file what should it contain? Where do I state needed .a/.lib files,
or paths and so on?

I'm a little bit confused :)


Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> Hi Maurilio,
> On 2010 Feb 3, at 12:37, Maurilio Longo wrote:
>> Hi Viktor,
>> is there somewhere a doc which details .hbp/.hbm file syntax?
> Yes, it's 'hbmk2 --help'. The format is the exact 
> same as for the command-line options.
> Brgds,
> Viktor
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