This is the latest stub. One run of hbIDE - enter/exit reveals that new() is issued 1439 times delete() is issued 300 times hb_out.log reports 1139 unreleased blocks.
=========================== const char * __hbmk2_hbcppmm( void ) { return "HBCPPMM"; } int getnew( void ) { static int i = 0; return ++i; } int getdelete( void ) { static int i = 0; return ++i; } void * operator new( size_t nSize ) { if( nSize == 0 ) nSize = 1; void * ptr = hb_xgrab( nSize ); HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( " new( %p ) %i %i", ptr, nSize, getnew() ) ); return ptr; } void operator delete( void * ptr ) { if( ptr ) { HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( "< delete( void * %p ) %s %i", ptr, " 0", getdelete() ) ); hb_xfree( ptr ); HB_TRACE( HB_TR_ALWAYS, ( " ( void * ) %s", " 1 >" ) ); } } ======================== Can someone try on his system too ? ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi _a_student_of_software_analysis_&_design_ -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)