
On 2010 Jan 31, at 03:06, Leandro Damasio wrote:

>> I can't recommend doing that in any application as
>> these are not guaranteed interfaces/structures, plus
>> it may cause several other problems (alignment
>> dependence, corrupting VM internals, MT/ST mode
>> dependence, code breaking when Harbour internals
>> happen to change).
> ok Viktor, I see. That's what happened indeed.
>> So my suggestion it to use the documented Harbour
>> C API. You can find these in hbapi*.h headers for
>> the most part.
> Sure. Could you tell me how to do the following through the C API?
> 1) get the length of the array, instead of method below:
> PHB_BASEARRAY pBaseArray = pArray->item.asArray.value;
> ULONG ulLen = pBaseArray->ulLen ;

hb_arrayLen( pArray )

> 2) eval a codeblock with a member of the array as a parameter and get the 
> return of the block, instead of the following:


Never needed in user code.

> hb_vmPushSymbol( &hb_symEval );
> hb_vmPush( pBlock );
> hb_vmPush( pBaseArray->pItems + ulPosition );

hb_arrayGetItemPtr( ulPosition + 1 )

> hb_vmPushLong( ulPosition );
> hb_vmSend( 2 );
> pItem = (PHB_ITEM) hb_stackReturnItem();

Rest should work, though if you need more 
eval examples, I'd recommend grepping into 
Harbour contrib or core (except VM) source 
code, you'll find plenty of working examples.


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