I have same documentation but i am also a bad writer
i can share via google document with you
we must search a way that allow an on line collaboration from user

1 fist idea for harbour doc
we need a little dbf for create index of document where one document
maj be present in one or more categories and define his see also...
implement in hbdoc2 follow dbf as index
Categories, Function,Classm,command
                 Array,rdd,database,string,mat eccc
                 Multi Tread
We need two kind of works:
  Document all function (hndoc2 and similar)
  Document harbour concepts
Follow my proposal  of structure of harbour documentation
Harbour QuickStart with info for each platform
Harbour hbmk2
Harbour Advanced How to parameter for compiling harbour (c_usr)  & SVN

Harbour Concept :
Harbour standard Library (difference from clipper.lib and extend.lib)
Harbour basic Rdd
Harbour Client server using netio ecc,
Harbour sql
Harboutr GT same application multiple platform
Harbour Mulkti thread and st
Harbour semi offical gui & hbqt ,hbxbp
Harbour other contrib

The Clipper documentation as basic starting point
we can have also other documentation project
where import same  info if possible:

clipper documentation is material covered by copiright

The harbour minigui project have a documentation pdf
I think that Can added to Harbour.doc

Clip a Xbase langiage CA-Clipper compatible compile
CLIP project now use the DocBook documentation system to provide
multiformat and multilanguage documentation in the strong and regular
The good introduction into DocBook is DocBook - The Definition Guide.

2010/1/30 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
> I'd also welcome _up to the point_, short ideas
> from other list members.

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)

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