BTW, I see such calls in many QT related calls in SVN:
qObj:pPtr := 0
qObj:pPtr := NIL
These can be optimized simply to:
qObj:pPtr := NIL
I used this method to release object instantly.
This approach I took was since begining. My be my experiments
at that point with Qt were showing that until I set the :pPtr to
some other value ( not NIL ) only then I could see object relaesed.
NIL was delaying them for some later time, may be due to GC nature.
So I continued with it.
For me it sounds like some hacks are implemented in HBQT to accept
numeric values instead of pointers, thus leading numeric 0 value have
different behaviour than NIL value.
If value of qObj:nPtr is GC pointer, both qObj:pPtr := 0 and qObj:pPtr
:= NIL will release it (no need to do it twice). Or we have a serious
bug in GC, but I guess we do not have one. If you have a situation when
double clear is required, please, try to isolate the error and reproduce
it in a small self-contained sample.
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