Google's Go is the TIOBE Programming Language of 2009
Google's brand new programming language Go has won the "TIOBE's
Programming Language of the Year 2009" award. This award is given to
the programming language that gained most market share in 2009. Go had
an increase of 1.25% since its official release announcement in
November 2009

2009/11/11 Massimo Belgrano <>:
> Google has just announced the release of a new, open sourced
> programming language called Go. The company says that Go is
> experimental, and that it combines the performance and security
> benefits associated with using a compiled language like C++ with the
> speed of a dynamic language like Python.
> Go is simple
> package main
> import "fmt"
> func main() {
>  fmt.Printf("Hello, 世界\n")
> }
> Go compilers produce fast code fast. Typical builds take a fraction of
> a second yet the resulting programs run nearly as quickly as
> comparable C or C++ code.
> Go is type safe and memory safe. Go has pointers but no pointer
> arithmetic. For random access, use slices, which know their limits.
> Go promotes writing systems and servers as sets of lightweight
> communicating processes, called goroutines, with strong support from
> the language. Run thousands of goroutines if you want—and say good-bye
> to stack overflows.
> Go has fast builds, clean syntax, garbage collection, methods for any
> type, and run-time reflection. It feels like a dynamic language but
> has the speed and safety of a static language. It's a joy to use.
> Harbour seem me more simple,Fast,safe,concurrent,Fun,Open source than
> the go Programming languages
> Function Main
>    ? "Hello World
>    return
> --
> Massimo Belgrano

Massimo Belgrano
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