Revision: 13549 Author: druzus Date: 2010-01-13 08:38:05 +0000 (Wed, 13 Jan 2010)
Log Message: ----------- 2010-01-13 09:37 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/ * harbour/include/hbapi.h * harbour/src/vm/hashes.c + added new function hb_hashGetCItemPtr() which accepts ASCIIZ string as index. * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiosrv.c + added support for using HASH arrays as RPC filter. Such hash array should be indexed by function/procedure name set of codeblocks or function references or even objects which understand EVAL method. Please remember that function names passed from client side are case sensitive so if you do not need it then please disable case matching in the hash array, i.e. using HB_HSETCASEMATCH( hValue, .F. ). * renamed NETIO_RPCFUNC() to NETIO_RPCFILTER() it's better name now because we added support for using hash arrays as RPC filters: NETIO_RPCFILTER( <pConnectionSocket>, <sFuncSym> | <hValue> | NIL ) -> NIL * harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiomt.prg + added support for setting RPC filter in NETIO_MTSERVER() using its 4-th parameter: NETIO_MTSERVER( [<nPort>], [<cIfAddr>], [<cRootDir>], [<lRPC> | <sFuncSym> | <hValue>], [<cPasswd>], [<nCompressionLevel>], [<nStrategy>] ) -> <pListenSocket> * harbour/contrib/hbclipsm/environ.c ! fixed GPF in FILEDRIVE() function on platforms which do not support drive letters or when path does not contain drive. % small optimization in FILEPATH(), FILEBASE(), FILEEXT(), FILEDRIVE() Modified Paths: -------------- trunk/harbour/ChangeLog trunk/harbour/contrib/hbclipsm/environ.c trunk/harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiomt.prg trunk/harbour/contrib/hbnetio/netiosrv.c trunk/harbour/include/hbapi.h trunk/harbour/src/vm/hashes.c This was sent by the collaborative development platform, the world's largest Open Source development site. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)