>> In fact the whole point of previous implementation was
>> that we warn developers if there _is_ a leak, and stay 
>> silent if there isn't. This way it's apparent when there 
>> is a problem and when not. If we wash together the 
>> two messages, it will be less easy to spot if there is 
>> a problem. I can imagine a 'zero' value could be useful 
>> for testers to see there _was_ testing/measurement done, 
>> yet the result is zero. Probably that's the reason Istvan 
>> added it.
> If this is the only reason then we should revert this modification.
> For such functionality we have //info switch which can be used to
> verify if FM statistic module is enabled and how much memory was
> allocated and released. Just simply run any applications with this
> switch, i.e.:
>   myapp.exe //info

Can you pls do it? I'm unsure what should be the "revert" 
state here, I did about 3-4 modifications after Istvan's 
initial one.


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