> and you know that I can`t modify the way that the package was created 
> I not  have commit permission only read , and my comment`s are to leave 
> this diference clear .
> Why If Harbour have a lot of REAL developers , they Release a new version 
> without 
> having the people designed to prepare the binaries packages ?

Every developer consumes its own free time and life to 
do anything on Harbour, so such question simply cannot 
be asked. Only if it were a payware product, such complaint 
could be justified. But Harbour is free.

So our direction here is to make the build process as 
much easy as possible and documented, so that it doesn't 
require a highly qualified volunteer to do it.

> Many programmers not know howto compile harbour in linux , I help a lot of 
> user's 
> in other Harbour Lists to do that.

I believe a user who can't currently build Harbour on 
Linux, will have huge problems with other basic tasks also. 
It's so simple. It's not obligatory to use Linux or to 
use Harbour, and this list isn't meant as a teach course 
how to use Linux.

> This is the reason that I take the job when massimo ask in the list if 
> anybody could make the 

I appreciate all your efforts, and this is exactly what 
we need, so pls keep up your input.

The only thing to keep in mind is that sometimes it's 
good to have some discussions before committing a 
change to SVN, and not everyone is always and readily 
available, so it's good practice to give some time to 
wait for responses.

That's what Lorenzo was asking, pls don't take it 
as an offense.


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