
I was curious how the original version of this seems to have disapeared and it seems that when you started modifying gt, you either used whatever version you started with and ignored further updates that were made to the code, or you actively excluded this code because you didn't know why it was there. (not sure).
The other piece that I see is missing is that during a SetMode() change, the 
'correct' way was to make sure that no dispbegin() was in effect before 
updating the console.  (Definately Clipper compatible).  I simply can't look 
into whether this will be an issue or not, but I wrote the code once, so 
it's still around if you need it.
As for xHarbour, someone just blindly accepted your change as 'the way' and 
replaced the xharbour driver.
----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 11:37 PM
Subject: [Harbour] SVN: harbour-project:[13386] trunk/harbour

Revision: 13386
Author:   druzus
Date:     2009-12-23 04:37:00 +0000 (Wed, 23 Dec 2009)

Log Message:
2009-12-23 05:36 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/
 * harbour/src/rtl/gtwin/gtwin.c
   ! applied a little bit modified the patch from Jacek Potempa for
     setmode() in GTWIN - many thanks. Please test.

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