Hi Viktor,

This solution strips the trailing isspace characters from the debug info and
inserts the necessary CR/LF for windbg, not more.
Maybe we can define here a lot of similar solutions for the same thing.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org
[mailto:harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org] On Behalf Of Viktor Szakáts
Sent: 2009. december 27. 19:27
To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
Subject: [Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13399]

Hi Istvan,

> +      /*
> +       *  sizeof( buffer2 ) - 3 is room for CR/LF/NUL
> +       */
>       if( proc )
> -         hb_snprintf( buffer2, sizeof( buffer2 ), "%s:%d:%s() %s %s",
> -                      file, line, proc, pszLevel, buffer1 );
> +         n = hb_snprintf( buffer2, sizeof( buffer2 ) - 3, "%s:%d:%s() %s
> +                          file, line, proc, pszLevel, buffer1 );
>       else
> -         hb_snprintf( buffer2, sizeof( buffer2 ), "%s:%d: %s %s",
> -                      file, line, pszLevel, buffer1 );
> +         n = hb_snprintf( buffer2, sizeof( buffer2 ) - 3, "%s:%d: %s %s",
> +                          file, line, pszLevel, buffer1 );
> +      /*
> +       *  Normalize buffer2 with ending CR/LF/NUL
> +       */
> +      p = buffer2;
> +      p += (n < 0) ? sizeof( buffer2 ) - 3 : n;
> +      while ( p > buffer2  &&  isspace( p[-1] ) )
> +      {
> +         *--p = '\0';
> +      }
> +      *p++ = '\r';
> +      *p++ = '\n';
> +      *p   = '\0';
> +

Maybe I'm missing something but isn't hb_snprintf() _always_ 
closing string with a zero? If not, we have serious security 
problems in hundreds of places in Harbour.

If this is the case, we should rather fix hb_snprintf(), 
than this one specific call of it.

Also, shouldn't \r \n simply added to printf mask string?


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