> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 1:47 PM,  <vszak...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>>  * utils/hbmk2/hbmk2.prg
>>  * config/global.mk
>>    ! Not considering /opt and /opt/harbour as "system location" for
>>      Harbour, following Lorenzo's advice.
> Many thanks, I've done a clean make install setting
> HB_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/harbour ( I'm using msys ) and I've found the
> libs in /opt/harbour/lib/win/mingw is it expected?

Yes, if it's not system location, the libs are arranged like 
that, just like they would be in /home/me/apps/harbour.

> If yes, is there a way to have a plain /opt/harbour/{bin,include,lib}

You can force any dirs by using HB_*_INSTALL envvars.

If this behavior is bothering, I'd suggest to revert this 
change, since for proper fix of above, there needs to be 
done lots of changes, and as I said we plan to make these 
after the release along with a lot of other cleanups in 
this field. This will require a lot of testing on all 

Anyway the file layout guide doesn't seem to suggest any 
special dir layout requirement under /opt/<app>, so current 
behavior _may_ be just fine. hbmk2 should also handle it 
fine (though I didn't test specifically these cases).


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