2009/12/8 Pritpal Bedi <bediprit...@hotmail.com>

> Hi Massimo
> Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
> >
> > Why use different project structure from hbmk2?
> >
> Do you understand the intent and functioning of HBIDE ?
Yes i am using xmate, Visual Studio 2008 and strong love hbide

Also can you imagine what else will go into .hbi in future ?
Yes from additional element like font , screen to structure definition

And why you are comapring it with Xbase++ ?
Only for having a model appreciated also by you

.hbp project will be generated from within .hbi
> and will remain available to the developer as is.
I disagree because double maintain list but is only my opinion
Today i suffer that xmate and hbmk2 have different format so tomorrow i
suffer for hbide

Best regard
Massimo Belgrano

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