>> So how about removing -s switch altogether for watcom/os2 
>> in both our make system and hbmk2?
> No. It's not necessary to touch hbmk2.
>> For the reason that a slightly slower, but working app is 
>> better than a failing app.
> This slight slower means over 3 times slower.
> -s disabled debug code used to check stack overflow.
> On platforms which does not support hardware stack frame overflow
> protection it may cause very serious speed overhead.

That's bad indeed.

I've just seen David's latest tests... IMO if there 
is no reasonable solution for it, removing -s could 
still be a fallback option, for the reason that 
watcom/os2 is not a primary target, I mean no one 
seems to use it for production, in practice we need it 
only for cross-platform build testing of OS/2 and 
in this case speed doesn't matter at all.

Of course it'd nicer if it's fast, but doesn't seem 
to be a priority.


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