Hi Istvan,

>> I'd like to recommend to stick with 4.5.2 until these 
>> issues are cleared up.
> Or 4.5.3 ?

While I've seen the blog entry from QT release manager 
announcing this version, I can find no sign of it on the 
download page. (I checked 30 minutes ago)

If you have some pointers, pls send them to the list.

>>> @set HB_USER_LDFLAGS=-static-libgcc
>>> @set HB_USER_DFLAGS=-static-libgcc
>> Can you tell, what these options are doing?
> The @set HB_USER_LDFLAGS=-static-libgcc, stops the following exe to ask for
> 'libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll':
> harbour.exe
> hbformat.exe
> hbi18n.exe
> hbmk2.exe
> hbpp.exe
> hbrun.exe
> hbtest.exe
> The @set HB_USER_DFLAGS=-static-libgcc, stops the following exe to ask for
> 'libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll':
> hbformat-dll.exe
> hbi18n-dll.exe
> hbmk2-dll.exe
> hbrun-dll.exe
> hbtest-dll.exe

Oh okay, that's good. Although I wonder whether isn't this 
the bit which causes GPFs when trying to mix C and C++ 
components. Can you make a test without this switch and 
plain default Harbour compilation mode?

Plus, can you send some ways to reproduce the GPFs you 
mentioned. I tried default build and for me hbide worked, 
but I didn't test it thoroughly.

> See below:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=691876:
> File Release Notes and Changelog
> Release Name: Current Release: gcc-4.4.0
> Notes:
> The MinGW.org team is pleased to offer a binary release of GCC 4.4.0.

Great, I thought this project was dead. Anyhow I'm not 
sure I'm confident in this release yet and/or if we must 
use a specific MinGW build. We should also test with tdragon.net 

> If you intend to throw exceptions through Windows API callbacks, you
> will need to add __attribute__((seh_aware)) to the declaration of the
> corresponding API function.  This is only a temporary measure, as a

(I better not say anything here)

> - Dynamic linking with libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
> Dynamic linking with libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is necessary to throw
> exceptions between different modules, such as between two DLLs or a
> DLL and an EXE.  Consequently, it is the default for all languages
> other than C.  To disable this dynamic linking, use -static-libgcc.
> To enable this dynamic linking in C, use -shared-libgcc.

Thank you.


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