My only question here is why such functionality has 
to live inside Harbour SVN? Along with, this 
has nothing to do with core Harbour. It also can be solved 
as a user supplied postinst task. hb-mkdyn is a generic 
lib to dynlib converter script, which is also shell and 
compiler specific. (current near self-modifying solution 
to add HB_TOOLS_PREF, icc, and sunos support doesn't look 
very alright to me either). Maybe such hacks are normal 
in the *nix world, but they make these scripts much more 
difficult to decipher than it would normally be.

IMO these features should be kept separate (if it attracts 
many users) or local (if it's just a few users). But in 
any case kept fully separate from core.

I didn't try but such customized harbour dynlibs may 
also break standard build tools like hbmk2.

Along the same lines, we could just as well add support 
to allow addition of user supplied Harbour compiler options 
by injecting new code into the build system, thus creating 
"dynamic forks" of some sort.

I also wonder how these customized Harbour dynlibs are 
supposed to work when Harbour becomes a standard package 
on *nix system and it's installed by simple 
'apt-get install harbour' (or RPM variation). Or is this 
not our goal anymore?


On 2009 Dec 1, at 10:11, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 4:52 PM,  <> wrote:
>>  * harbour/bin/
>>    - removed not longer working HB_DB_DRVEXT
>>    + added HB_USER_DLL_ADDONS which can be used to activate rebuilding
>>      Harbour shared library in postinst phase with additional libraries
>>      specified by user in above envvar - it's not officially supported
>>      functionality but temporary workaround until we will not add some
>>      more generic support for above feature so I do not document it in
>>      INSTALL
> Many thanks, this has removed a local patch.
> In hb_getlibs there is still gtxvt, shouldn't it be removed?
> best regards,
> Lorenzo
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