Hi !
After setting HB_QT_STATIC = yes, I could generate HBQT static version libs,
but when I try to build hbide.hbp (or any other hbxbp + hbqt based sample)
using hbqts.hbc instead of hbqt.hbc (at hbxbp.hbc) hbmk2 mounts the
executable, but the executable doesn't work.
Hbmk2 shows the following message:
C:\harbour\contrib\hbide>hbmk2 hbide.hbp
hbmk2: Processing environment options: -platform=win -compiler=mingw
hbmk2: Linkando... hbide.exe
Info: resolving QObject::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN7QObject16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QString::codecForCStrings by linking to
__imp___ZN7QString16codecForCStringsE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QListData::shared_null by linking to
__imp___ZN9QListData11shared_nullE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QAction::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN7QAction16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QVectorData::shared_null by linking to
__imp___ZN11QVectorData11shared_nullE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QSyntaxHighlighter::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN18QSyntaxHighlighter16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QTableView::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN10QTableView16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QAbstractItemModel::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN18QAbstractItemModel16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QWidget::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN7QWidget16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QMainWindow::staticMetaObject by linking to
__imp___ZN11QMainWindow16staticMetaObjectE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QString::shared_null by linking to
__imp___ZN7QString11shared_nullE (auto-import)
Info: resolving QByteArray::shared_null by linking to
__imp___ZN10QByteArray11shared_nullE (auto-import)
Info: resolving vtable for QEventby linking to __imp___ZTV6QEvent
Info: resolving vtable for QMouseEventby linking to __imp___ZTV11QMouseEvent
Info: resolving QVariant::handler by linking to
__imp___ZN8QVariant7handlerE (auto-import)
Info: resolving vtable for QBitmapby linking to __imp___ZTV7QBitmap
Info: resolving QCoreApplication::self by linking to
__imp___ZN16QCoreApplication4selfE (auto-import)
warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import
specified on the command line.
This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing
symbols from auto-imported DLLs.
Even linked to static version of hbqt libs, the executable looks/asks for
QtCore4.dll and if the DLL is reachable it crashes with message "Aplication
Error - Application not initialized correctly"
Am I doing something wrong?
Leandro Damasio
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)