Hi Francesco,

> Viktor, I DID try to just raise timeouts and I did some more tests.
> My MTA is exim and it is very "strict" on the protocol.
> Try to issue this command:
> telnet <mailserver> 25
> and you will get a
> "220 message"
> and ONLY IN THIS MOMENT you can issue commands !
> Exim doesn't accept any command before the 220 is sent ! In the past,
> a lot of spam software did send the HELO without waiting for the 220
> banner and exim killed them....
> Gmail accepts the message without the patch and probably the same will
> happen with other MTAs....
> I want to say that  in a particular case (external antivirus + backend
> MTA) I have
> "220-message 1"
> "220 message 2"
> and if the backend is  down I get a
> "5xx error message"

Thanks for the explanation, you're right. Before reading 
through your msg I've also checked RFC821 
and it also says what you say in chapter 4.3.

I'll make some tests as soon as Win7 reboots itself 
correctly (2nd attempt) after BSOD-ing on my test build.

I did a quick test with gmail and it's okay, plus 
finally the protocol conversation makes some sense.

Thanks for your report, this has been a bug ever since 
hbtip existed.


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