> Pritpal Bedi escribió:
>> Hi
>> ...
>> This is the reason I floated the idea of extending Xbase++ framework
>> which has not been accepted by the group by now.
> Well on this I disagree with Viktor. I dont need backward compatibility with 
> xbase++, so extending claes and/or creating new ones is ok with me.

I don't know where the misconception comes from about my 
POV on this, but I'd like to stop it now.

This is exactly what I wrote:
"I don't know, but please document it, we have a long history 
in Harbour to document extensions, so we should IMO do this 
also for hbxbp. We don't have any interest in locking in 
users into Harbour + hbxbp, IOW we should allow them to move 
to Xbase++, or create apps which work on both platforms.

The easiest and recommended way to self-document it is by 
using a simple macro, f.e. HBXBP_EXTENSION. Which is #defined 
by default."

Which seems quite clear, but to clarify further, it means 
that while I can't decide whether we _should_ extend (I trust 
Pritpal and actual Xbase++/hbqt users on this), but I know we 
_may_ extend it, if we stick to a few rules: we extend it wisely 
and document all extensions in code. These rules should be 
similar to what we've been using when extending Clipper, maybe 
not so strict.

IMO it's very important to do extensions along a documented 
procedure, otherwise there is no guarantee whatsoever that 
Xbase++ compatibility can be kept, or even tested. Which 
means we cut off Harbour + hbxbp as an upgrade path for 
Xbase++ users and make the transition a one way step, 
plus we can't guarantee any sort of parallelism through 
the transition process (I mean app can't be build for both 
platforms at the same time).

If make Xbase++ users life more difficult to move to Harbour, 
it means Harbour userbase can't grow the way it otherwise 
would. Which isn't very good.

[ about a few technical aspects of extending wisely and 
in documented way, pls see my recent msg. ]


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