I have set follow path
SET PATH=C:\devl\MinGW\bin;c:\harbour\bin;c:\devl\qt\2009.04\qt\bin;%PATH%
and it find required dll by path

2009/11/17 http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.sqlite.general
> Massimo Belgrano escribió:
>> Is aivable in svn first version of hbide!
> [SPA]
> Gracias Massimo, ya lo vi y ya compile (WinXP) y estoy maravillado.
> Para poder ejecutarlo tuve que copiar 5 DLL a la carpeta donde esta el
> programa, y son estas:
> mingwm10.dll
> QtCore4.dll
> QtGui4.dll
> QtNetwork4.dll
> QtWebKit4.dll
> Como puedo hacer para que el programa tome los archivos desde su ubicación
> original (\qt\bin)?
> Creo que ademas vamos a aprender a programar con Qt.
> [ENG] By Google
> Thanks Massimo, I saw it and I compile (WinXP) and I am amazed.
> To run I had to copy 5 DLL to the folder where the program and are these:
> mingwm10.dll
> QtCore4.dll
> QtGui4.dll
> QtNetwork4.dll
> QtWebKit4.dll
> How can I make the program take the files from their original location
> (\qt\bin)?

Massimo Belgrano
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