> In this case I agree that final type for error codes should be existing
> HB_ERRCODE and this type should be converted to 'unsigned int' but before
> you will change it please check all places in the Harbour SVN which will
> be effected by such modification. We have to well know them. I'm mostly
> interested in all structures and function parameters which may use USHORT
> so they have to be converted to HB_ERRCODE. And of course we will have to
> eliminate casting added to pacify MSVC warnings in code like:
>      uiOsErrorLast = ( USHORT ) GetLastError();
> Such modification fully breaks any binary compatibility in some subsystems
> like GT or RDD so if we want to make it then it should be done ASAP before
> final 2.0.
> So as 1-st step I suggest to systematically replace all USHORT used
> in error code context with HB_ERRCODE without changing the HB_ERRCODE
> definition.

One addition to that: Since we're already using ULONG to store error 
codes in a few places (found internal error code so far), we should 
also change these, but only after we've changed HB_ERRCODE to unsigned int.


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