I'm testing Rev12864 with Borland C++Builder 5.0 on a WinNT 4.0.
A normal build run just fine, but when I try to build it with CodeGoard
I get an error.

    set HB_USER_PRGFLAGS=-l-
    set HB_USER_CFLAGS=-v -y -vG -Od
    set HB_USER_DFLAGS=cg32.lib
    set HB_USER_LDFLAGS=cg32.lib
    set HB_BUILD_OPTIM=no

   set HB_COMPILER=bcc

It do work if I take config/rules.mk Rev12579 (the one before current):
bcc32.exe  -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q  -v -y -vG -Od 
-ohbpp.obj -c ../../../hbpp.c
bcc32.exe  -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q  -v -y -vG -Od 
-ohbpp_dyn.obj -DHB_DYNLIB -c ../../../hbpp.c
bcc32.exe -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q -e..\..\..\..\..\bin\win\bcc\hbpp.exe hbpp.obj  
-L../../../../../lib/win/bcc  cg32.lib ../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbnortl.lib 
../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbcommon.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib 
advapi32.lib gdi32.lib
../../../../../bin/win/bcc/hbpp.exe ../../../../../include/hbstdgen.ch 
-opptable.c -q -c../../../../../ -v../../../../../include/hbverbld.h
Harbour Preprocessor 2.0.0beta3
Copyright (c) 1999-2009, http://www.harbour-project.org/
bcc32.exe  -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q  -v -y -vG -Od 
-opptable.obj -c pptable.c

Build with current config/rules.mk Rev12814:
bcc32.exe  -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q  -v -y -vG -Od 
-ohbpp.obj -c ../../../hbpp.c
bcc32.exe  -I. -I../../../../../include -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q  -v -y -vG -Od 
-ohbpp_dyn.obj -DHB_DYNLIB -c ../../../hbpp.c
bcc32.exe -q -tWM -w -w-sig- -Q  -L../../../../../lib/win/bcc  cg32.lib 
-e..\..\..\..\..\bin\win\bcc\hbpp.exe hbpp.obj 
../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbnortl.lib ../../../../../lib/win/bcc/hbcommon.lib 
kernel32.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib advapi32.lib gdi32.lib
../../../../../bin/win/bcc/hbpp.exe ../../../../../include/hbstdgen.ch 
-opptable.c -q -c../../../../../ -v../../../../../include/hbverbld.h
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, ../../../../../bin/win/bcc/hbpp.exe 
../../../../../include/hbstdgen.ch -opptable.c -q -c../../../../../ 
-v../../../../../include/hbverbld.h, ...) failed.
make (e=193): Error 193
win-make.exe[3]: *** [pptable.c] Error 193
rm hbpp.obj
win-make.exe[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
win-make.exe[1]: *** [pp.inst] Error 2
win-make.exe: *** [src.inst] Error 2

In the later version, hbpp.exe is created in src/pp/obj/win/bcc instead iof 

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