On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:04 AM, francesco perillo <fperi...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Viktor, a couple of questions, if possible.
> Is it possible to read some documentation about hbm / hbp files ?

It's a free product done in my free time, so there isn't (and pbly
won't be) docs anytime soon created by me.

BTW few days ago I listed  few places where docs is scattered (INSTALL,
RELNOTES, ChangeLog, hbmk2 --help was the list AFAIR)

Is it possible to specify to call another instance of hbmk2 to, for
> example, create a library if it not present ?

You can call hbmk2 with multiple projects:
> hbmk2 mylib1.hbp mylib2.hbp myapp.hbp
(order is significant)

> I can't understand if hbmk2 actually works like a unix make, comparing
> date/time of obj  and source file and compiling only when necessary...

Yes it does that if you turn it on using -inc switch.

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