On Sun, 08 Nov 2009, Teo Fonrouge wrote:
> >2009-11-08 16:50 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
> > * harbour/include/hbdefs.h
> >   ! fixed PHB_FUNC declaration. 'extern "C"' can be removed only for
> >     BORLAND and other buggy compilers which may not accept it but
> >     not for. In some platforms it's very important to keep correct
> >     declarations because without this flag final binaries will not
> >     work.
> Thanks Przemek, may be MinGW also needs be included (I'll check it
> later), but of what platforms are you refering ?

Any platform which uses different ABI (calling convention) for C and
C++ modes. Without valid declaration we would have GPF on 1-st executed
HARBOUR function because function was declared as extern "C" but
executed using pointer to C++ function. BCC uses the same calling
convention for C and C++ so it works also with wrong definition.

best regards,
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