2009/11/7 Chen Kedem <n...@synel.co.il>

> Viktor,
> > Please post ideas how to make our forum more active
> The only way to make them active if users could find answers to their need
> there.
> If user need to wait a month or so to get an answer, well, he/she will go
> elsewhere to find it
> (and will probably end here in the dev list). We need someone with
> knowledge that is willing
> to take the time and actively monitor the forum, and provide first aid
> help, or forward the question
> to this list if its something more complicated. I'm doing something like
> that for the SF bug tracker,
> but the forum is just too slow for me (and my old browser at work doesn't
> do well with the forum).

For huser
Important the speed of read and reply
Capability see message posted  via mail, like a  mailing , and if possible
Capability to be subscribe either as a mailing list or discussion group

I hope that if more feature for "huser" are satistied i hope that More user
from developer list join/subscrive final userlist. I am the first
Google group seem me more better for huser

For User
Is also important a intelligent redirection  of message/reply to email for
our final user
web access with integration of most interested messages Web access is easy
to undestrand
easy fast search, for search first post messages

Imo http://www.hmgforum.com/ seem me more better for user

> > BTW I believe attachments should be possible to enable
> > in our forum. Can someone check? Vailton, Chen?
> Attachments SHOULD work on the Harbour SF phpBB (they were enabled since
> day one of the forum).
> Current limits are:
> 1) Each file is limited to 256KB.
> 2) Up to 3 attachments per post.
> 3) No attachments allowed in private messages.
> 4) The following extensions are allowed:
> Images: gif, jpeg, jpg, png.
> Archives: 7z, ace, bz2, gtar, gz, rar, tar, tgz, zip.
> Plain text: c, ch, cpp, csv, h, hpp, ini, log, prg, txt, xml
> I can change the above settings if needed.
> Massimo: What file did you try to attach? Did you get any error message?
> I remember as limit and not have tried recent

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

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