Hi Alex,
On 2009 Nov 4, at 14:05, Alex Strickland wrote:
Hi Viktor
I thought I would compile an old clipper app to see how it would go
with gtwvt.
Firstly, it is truly amazing to see literally 100's of 1000's of
lines compile in a flash. At the end of the whole affair, I get only
27 linker errors, the majority of which are blinker calls - really,
That's great to hear.
Well, on that bombshell, we could add a contrib
which give some level of support for Blinker functions,
I'd assume they are used in many Clipper apps.
Most of them can be converted to simple dummy
calls, some of them to Harbour function wrappers.
Just an idea.
Second, it seems the -inc option in hbmk2 does not work with with
@.clp files? Is it supposed to? Or perhaps I have not configured
something correctly?
I've added .clp as experimental feature and it
still is one. To me .clp method is very much
alien, I never used it, I don't need it, so
my knowledge and interest is slim. So - and I
left such note in ChangeLog - support may be
incomplete. I didn't try it yet with -inc, but
you may well be right that support is missing
Difficult to tell what it'd take to add support,
can't even tell if it's trivial or not. I hope .clp
users can contribute here either code or ideas
(code prefereed :).
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