If you use in your code as even handler sth what does not keep reference
to oMSCal and it will resolve all your problems, i.e:
  ::oOLE := WIN_AxGetControl( hWnd, ;
{ | event, ... | MyEvent ( event, ... ) }, cID )

Hmm, the destructor is still not called. It is ok when I explicitly do it.

To investigate further I thought I would take your other advice and recompile Harbour with HB_USER_CFLAGS=-DHB_FM_STATISTICS. However, now hbmk2 is GPF'ing and hbrun as well (hbrun seems to be used in the install process). I shall recompile Harbour without the flag and ... I'm not sure what next.

I don't know, Viktor, if you have tried this option recently. I am using MSVC 2008.

I haven't, but if both hbrun and hbmk2 suffers damage because
of this flag, my tip would be there is something wrong inside
the embedded compiler when stats are enabled.


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