>-----Original Message-----
>From: ToninhoFWi [mailto:toninho...@yahoo.com.br] 
>Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:01 PM
>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>Subject: Re: RE: Re: [Harbour] Web Services in Harbour
>Hi Marek
>>Can I receive as a result of the complex result (array, object ) ?
>There are a lot of samples in pockesoap home. As I can see 
>pocketsoap is much more complete compared to mssoap, but is 
>more hard to use, maybe because it have more features ?
>BTW try to use WsdlWizard from that site. WsdlWizard generate 
>a VB code based in a WSDL

I will try to do it.

Marek Horodyski
Harbour mailing list

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