Follow doc by Mindaugas


I've also had a problem like this. I've implemented some universal
interface to access SQL databases. It's done via RDD, but class
interface can be implemented also. I have implemented SQLBASE, SQLMIX
(see below) RDDs and SDD (see below) for accessing MySQL, FireBird and
PostgreSQL. But only MySQL SDD I've used in real application, so other
implementation could be not complete.

I've tried to document my idea some time ago (2007-10-09). Some
implementation details could be changed general idea is the same.

                     Simple SQL Interface for Harbour

1. Introduction

    Simple SQL interface implements accessing SQL query result via RDD
interface. It is not intended to be replacement for "transparent" move of
DBFCDX application to SQL world.

    I want to discuss this in more detail. Many current RDDs for SQL
(ex. SQLRDD from tries to make a feeling you are working
DBF file, but not with SQL database. SQL server does not support many
features, ex. RECNO(), deleted flag, file locks, record locks. These RDDs
are emulating these features to make feeling of DBF. DELETED() function is
emulated by creating additional table columns to store delete flag. Some
"hidden system" tables are used to register locking operations and emulate
record and file locks in DBF style. The idea of SQL query is also lost. If
you do a simple loop

  DBUSEAREA(, "select * from my_table")
    somefunc( FIELD->some_sql_field )

RDD usualy will read SQL rows in portions, let's say 100 records per
So, hidden queries are generated. If you are using indexes these queries
are really complicated. Let's have index on FIELD1 + STR(FIELD2). A seek
value cValue1 + STR(nValue2) will generate a query like:

  SELECT * FROM my_table
      WHERE (FIELD1 == cValue1 and FIELD2 >= nValue2) or FIELD1 > cValue1
      LIMIT 100

After evaluation of first 100 cached records, next query will be

  SELECT * FROM my_table
      WHERE (FIELD1 == cLastField1 and FIELD2 == nLastValue2 and _RECNO
 > nLastRecno) or
            (FIELD1 == cLastField1 and FIELD2 > nLastValue2) or
            FIELD1 > cLastValue1
      LIMIT 100

To optimize these queries the SQL index expresion should be
"FIELD1,FIELD2,_RECNO", but not "FIELD1,FIELD2" as written in INDEX ON

    "Simple SQL interface" is too long to repeat every time I want to
address this library. I'll also use acronym "SSI" to address it.

    The idea of SSI is different. It does not make hidden queries. All
queries should be made explicitly by programmer. SSI gives access to query
result via RDD interface, it does not tries to emulate DBF and be
"plug-and-play" solution for DBF to SQL migration. If you do

  DBUSEAREA(, "select * from my_table")

all query (it could contain millions of records!) will be cached.

    The features of SSI approach are:

- It's possible to access SQL database of other applications. Other
  applications usualy does not follow agreement of "plug-and-play" SQL
  about additional DELETED column, _RECNO in the end of index
expression, etc.
  Access of SQL database of other applications is sometimes not possible.

- It's query oriented. That means a simple DO WHILE ! EOF() loop will
  each records once and only once. This is not true for "plug-and-play"
  drivers, if indexing is used. Just like in the case of loop over DBF
  It is not guaranteed that all records are included! Yes! If key value
of the
  first record in index is changed to be the last record in index
during the
  phase of record processing, DO WHILE ! EOF() loop will iterate only
  single records even if the database contains millions of records.
Your sould
  do FLOCK() on DBF to guarantee the records are not changed. Do you
use FLOCK()
  before readonly DO WHILE ! EOF() loops? :)

2. Architecture

              |             |
              | SQLMIX RDD  |
              |             |
                   |  ^
                   V  |
              +-------------+    +---------+
              |             |--->|         |
              | SQLBASE RDD |    |   SDD   |
              |             |<---|         |
              +-------------+    +---------+

    SQLBASE RDD implements basic functionality for accessing SQL query
via RDD interface. This RDD could be used, if indexing of query result
is not
necessary or all indexing is done by SQL server (by using ORDER BY

    SQLMIX RDD implements indexing of query result. This indexing is not
related to SQL server ORDER BY clause. SQLMIX do indexing of the query
on the
client side.

    SDD is acronym for Sql Database Driver. RDD is used to implement
of different database formats like DBF, SDF, etc. SDD is used to implement
access of different SQL databases. Every SQL server (MySQL, PostgreSQL,
has a corresponding SDD. SDD driver implements a specific part of data
exchange interface between SQLBASE and SQL server.

    A few additional functions are also implemented, ex. HB_SQLCONNECT().
Usualy these functions are just a shorter version of corresponding

3. Modifying database

    SSI presents a query result via RDD interface and generates no hidden
SQL queries. So, how database can be changed? Does DBAPPEND() and
works, or is it readonly SQL interface?
    DBAPPEND(), FIELDPUT() and other similiar functions work on cached
result, i.e. query can be appended by new rows and field values can be
changed, but SQL database is not changed. DBCREATE() function can also be
used to create an "empty query result" but no table is created on SQL
So, SSI can also be used as implementation of "array RDD".
    The programmer must call SQL command explicitly to modify SQL tables.
SSI provides a method to detect which cached rows was changed or appended.


Best regards,

2009/10/12 Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) <>:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Roberto Lopez []
>>Sent: Friday, October 09, 2009 7:16 PM
>>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>>Subject: Re: [Harbour] RDDADO on Beta3
>>Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>>> Yes, RDDADO is broken. Unfortunately seemingly nobody was so far
>>> interested enough to fix it :(
>>Thanks for your quick response.
> Roberto,
> Much better is SQLMIX. I work with this ODBC rdd with different databases.
> Regards,
> Marek Horodyski
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