Can you post same screenshoot?

Have you tried hbxbp (Qt based ) on your apps ?
A qt application will be used in gui mode with FREENX SERVER. ?
>NX is an exciting new technology for remote display. It provides near local 
>speed application
>responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links

I invite you (and everybody) post screenshoot also on facebook group of
Harbour Project at
or authorize me post your screenshoot

2009/10/5 Angel Pais <>:
> What is Przemek's architecture ?
> It's simple, he only programs text applications.
> Nowadays I'm using a similar but GUI solution:
> I share xbase++ aplications runing under wine+samba tru FREENX SERVER. The
> drawback is you can´t use local resources as printers. For this I had to
> develop a client/server printing program.
> I'm waiting eagerly the day I can use QTGUI (hbxbp) on my apps to eliminate
> wine and/or samba from my deployment chain.
> Angel
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Massimo Belgrano
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