Will G-WAN or WT  open web to harbour?
G-WAN is anĀ application serverĀ (hence the other 50 KB). Its 'edit &
play' ANSI C89
TrustLeap has released the G-WAN application server in July 2009.
TrustLeap G-WAN, which runs in user-mode, offers 'edit & play'
scripted C servlets that match Microsoft's IIS 7.0 static pages
performances (which run in kernel-mode).

Wt is an open source web application framework for the C++ programming
language developed by Emweb. It has an API that resembles the C++
desktop application library Qt (toolkit), using also a widget tree and
event-driven signal/slot programming model.

Massimo Belgrano
Harbour mailing list

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