On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu> wrote:

> You can force sqlite3 to be local by using 'HB_INC_SQLITE3=local'.
> But inclusion in libharbour is only supported for zlib/pcre
> (since the core depends on them). If you want to add anything
> else, you'll have to roll it on your own. (just like it is
> the case with contrib libs)

Many thanks.

How can I add a msg like:

! Component: 'sqlite3' found in
/media/sda5/dvl/src/ws/harbour/external/sqlite3 (local)

HB_* envvars are subject to change and here we have many different
systems with many different envs to keep in sync.

best regards,
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