On Fri, 18 Sep 2009, Tamas TEVESZ wrote:


> 440       if( connsd != HB_NO_SOCKET )
> 441       {
> 442          BOOL fOK = FALSE;
> 443          BYTE msgbuf[ 64 ];
> 444 
> 445          conn = s_consrvNew( connsd, lsd->rootPath );
> 446 
> 447          if( s_srvRecvAll( conn, msgbuf, NETIO_MSGLEN ) == NETIO_MSGLEN &&
> it feels better to, instead of the magic 64, to either use some 
> formula that includes NETIO_MSGLEN (say 2 * NETIO_MSGLEN + 16, if 
> there is such a formula, or just <some> * NETIO_MSGLEN), or after the 
> declaration, assert() that msgbuf needs to be this-and-this in size in 
> relation to NETIO_MSGLEN.
> my reason for that is that 64 is a "magic constant", "far" in context 
> from where and how it's being used, and using netio_msglen in there 
> gives it some context, and is easier to figure out what it is for, and 
> what the constraints for it's size are.

It was intentional but I agree that it may cause troubles if someone
tries to modify NETIO in the future. Thank you for information,
I'll change it.

best regards,
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