
By the way, you shuld newer call x->~TXobj directly.
You !!!MUST delete x

Here is explanation



Franček Prijatelj wrote:
> Hi Pritpal
> This behavior is usual for any C++ program.
> Here is example:
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> class TRect
> {
> public:
>   TRect(int t,int l,int w,int h)
>     :_t(t),_l(l),_w(w),_h(h)
>   {}
>   int top()    const { return _t; }
>   int left()   const { return _l; }
>   int width()  const { return _w; }
>   int height() const { return _h; }
> private:
>   int _t,_l,_w,_h;
> };
> int main()
> {
>     TRect *r1= new TRect(20,20,30,400);
>     cout << "before delete " << endl;
>     cout << r1->top()    << endl;
>     cout << r1->left()   << endl;
>     cout << r1->width()  << endl;
>     cout << r1->height() << endl;
>     delete r1;
>     cout << "after delete " << endl;
>     //r1=0;
>     cout << r1->top()    << endl;
>     cout << r1->left()   << endl;
>     cout << r1->width()  << endl;
>     cout << r1->height() << endl;
>     return 0;
> }
> /******** output  
> "before delete " 
> 20
> 20
> 30
> 400   
> "after delete " 
> 0
> 20
> 30
> 400  
> ************/
> Because of that it's recomender to set pointers to 0 (r1=0)
> Brgs
> Franček
> Pritpal Bedi wrote:
>> Hello Viktor
>> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>>> This means QT cannot be used in apps which is supposed
>>> to run continuously. (?)
>>> Continuously running GUI apps aren't that typical, but
>>> to me it's still a serious concern that and app just
>>> eats memory while running. This makes it f.e. unsuitable
>>> for any sort of embedded GUI applications (like a kiosk).
>>> Is this a property of QT itself, or the property of
>>> Harbour wrappers?
>> It is a property of Qt itself.
>> I have made extensive experiments as far as Harbour's 
>> parameter passing is concerned and have reached to the 
>> conclusion that it is harmless. Experiments with Qt's 
>> object destruction has given me weired results.
>> For example:
>>    oRect := QRect():new( 20,20,30,400 )
>>    ? oRect:left()  => 20
>>    ? oRect:top()  => 20
>>    ? oRect:right() => 30
>>    ? oRect:bottom() => 400
>>    Qt_QRect_destroy( oRect )
>>    ? oRect:left()  => 4534342  ( a long figure )
>>    ? oRect:top()  => 8967354  ( another long figure )
>>    ? oRect:right() => 30         
>>    ? oRect:bottom() => 400
>> .cpp
>>    {
>>       delete hbqt_par_QRect( 1 );           
>>       //  OR/AND
>>       hbqt_par_QRect( 1 )->~QRect();
>>    }
>> So even after destroy, oRect is an active pointer and 
>> only firts two slots are pointing to garbase. In theory 
>> after destroying it it should raise som error or appln
>> must hang, but results are contrary.
>> Though I have not given up, YET, on this issue,
>> but at the face value ( till now ) it appears we cannot 
>> use Harbour-Qt for production level applications.
>> NOTE: struggle is still on to overcome it.
>> Regards
>> Pritpal Bedi    

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