BTW, here there is free OpenVMS terminal access provided:

Know zero about VMS, I couldn't do much, but it's useful.
[ I used the DEMO account. ]


On 2009.09.15., at 09:42, Viktor Szakáts wrote:

BTW, not wanting to give any ideas ;) but we're still missing
two important ports of Harbour: IBM AIX and OpenVMS :)

i am ready to loan you, for an extended period of time, an ibm
intellistation 9114/275 (it's about a 1ghz power4 with about a gig of
ram, sadly no disk but i borrow one) and an almost fully equipped
vaxstation vlc 4000 :))

and you are forgetting sco (yes, they are still used all over). but i
am not :)

aix (damned be thy name) shouldn't be a problem. vms... good luck? :)
(but i have good connections to very knowledgeable vms people :)

:) Okay, thx for the nice offer, probably I have to extend my "lab"
first to make room for such beasts ;) I'd be most happy with some
sort of remote access to these gears, not that it wouldn't be cool
to check them in person. Anyway AIX looks a relatively easy trip
compared to VMS (although it has GNU tools ported).

BTW, if someone is interested I have Oracle 10g running here already,
and I can pass the access info in private.


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