On 09/15/2009 02:06 AM, Pritpal Bedi wrote:


elart wrote:

I have a similar issue on Linux and Przemek tell me to link at compile
time the -gtwin lib.

What part GT has to play with NetIO ?

BTW on LAN and on I am getting the correct results.

Pritpal Bedi

Howto compile the harbour/contrib/hbnetio/test/netiotst

# cd $HOME/src/harbour/contrib/hbnetio/tests

Just add the directory where hbwin is installed (/tmp/hbwin in my Linux box) to you PATH, i.e.:

# export PATH=/tmp/hbwin/bin:$PATH

to your *nix PATH and then:

# hbwmk -static -n -w -es2 -mt -gtwin netiotst

To check the file generated

# file netiotst.exe
netiotst.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit

To run the test...

wine ./netiotst.exe


Below some sent to me by Przemek

Best regards


Przemek note...
NETIO server application has to be linked with MT HVM version.
Please use -mt hbwmk switch to compile server.

> > give me the wine app started window with the message it cannot start
> > server...
> > Can you test my app in your enviroment...
> > in attach the hb_testio.tar.gz
It works if you compile netioserver.prg with -mt switch.
I tested Windows and Linux binaries.
BTW for normal usage I suggest to always use native binaries.
If you want to run server on Linux machine then create native
Linux netio server binaries. And of course native client binaries.
Of course you can connect to the one server from different stations
working with WIN, DOS, OS2 or different *nixes.

And remove from netioserver.prg this code:

   if empty( cServer )
      cServer := ''

it reduces connections to only so such server cannot be accessed
remotely. Use empty value or if you want to give access from
different interfaces without any limitation.

best regards,
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