Hi Przemek have you same news regarding GTNET idea , for control remotely GT/GUI object NETGT like current NETIO a universal solution For having the terminal side on remote computer with each GT
Are GTNET & NETIO the basic for universal harbour application server? The better implementation ot this idea is now on c:\harbour\examples\terminal Follow is prev post regarding Gtnet >- with Remote Resource Sharing and Procedures Calls >- lease also do not forget about yet another functionality. As long as >it will be possible to recreate all application windows from scratch >using only our own meta description then it will be possible to have >GTNET in aApplication running on the server and native GT client on user side. >When user computer crashes then it's enough to connect to the >server again and restore all windows using information from server. >In the moment when you introduce hidden bindings between GT windows >not visible for our GT layer you are loosing such functionality. 2009/9/14 Przemyslaw Czerpak <dru...@acn.waw.pl>: > On Mon, 14 Sep 2009, WenSheng wrote: > > Hi, > >> I test netio function, >> at server side use: >> ------------------- >> pListenSocket := NETIO_LISTEN( PORT, IP, DRIVER ) >> do while .t. >> pConnectionSocket := NETIO_ACCEPT( pListenSocket ) >> ? 'Have one connect...', pConnectionSocket >> NETIO_SERVER( pConnectionSocket ) >> enddo >> ------------------- >> I'm use 'netio_server' to create connect, >> but, I don't know how to stop server connect when client is close connect!! > > It's stopped automatically when client close all connections to > given server or when last copy of connection socket is cleared. > All allocated resorces are released when last copy of connection > socket is cleared. BTW you should add to above code: > pConnectionSocket := NIL > just after: > NETIO_SERVER( pConnectionSocket ) > if you want to force releasing the resources bound with pConnectionSocket. > Otherwise they are release when new connection is accepted and > pConnectionSocket is overwrite in line: > pListenSocket := NETIO_LISTEN( PORT, IP, DRIVER ) > >> server side is add memory when client connect to server. >> no method to release memory when client connect is close. > > I do not think that above is true. AFAIK all allocated resources are > cleanly released. > > best regards, > Przemek > _______________________________________________ > Harbour mailing list > Harbour@harbour-project.org > http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour > -- Massimo Belgrano _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour