On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
> Okay, what are the errors without these settings?

Still the same. HBPCRE and HBZLIB is not found during linking.

   [...]/bin/ld: cannot find -lhbpcre
   collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
   make[3]: *** [hbi18n] Błąd 1

Probably because HB_HAS_ZLIB* and HB_HAS_PCRE* are not exported
so during linking hbzlib and hbpcre is used instead of system libraries.
BTW replicating detection logic in rtl/Makefile is very bad idea.
I strongly prefer to eliminate such things and export variables.
If necesary use real path or pseudo value like "[ROOT]" inside
include paths and then replace it with $(TOP)$(ROOT).
I also suggest to use in include directory detection 'firstword'
function. Otherwise it's possible that header files will be found
in more then one location and some very old implementation with
not all header files used by our code will be included 1-st.
It may cause that wrong binaries will be created instead of compile
time error.

> The goal would be to use system libs on *nixes.

How can I force using harbour version for 'external' libraries?
Please remember that we do not have any version detection and
simple header scan may not be enough so sometimes user needs
to use local version.

> I'm stuck with the watcom thing, no idea how to fix it,
> I hope Przemek or someone else will be able to comment
> on it. Let's focus on rest of compilers until then.

Lets make base builds working 1-st then we can look for other
problems. Now I do not know how it should look in final version.

best regards,
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