On Tue, 08 Sep 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> Actually, Harbour has the basics for such filename conversion
> support, but internally UTF-8 isn't yet supported in these
> conversions yet. Same goes for terminal output f.e..

Terminal output depends on used GTs. GTTRM and GTSLN supports
utf8 mode but GTCRS does not and it's caused by curses internals
not Harbour code and I doubt that we will ever add support for
unicode mode to this GT.
GTs which do not use escape control codes to detect terminal settings
like GTCGI or GTSTD cannot detect utf8 terminal mode though we can
add some hardcoded solutions, i.e. set UTF8 output depending on
LANG envvar but it can help in some programs but create problems for
others so it's also not ideal solution.
For UTF-8 translation in some procedures like filename translation
or GTSTD/GTCGI we can introduce pseudo codepage "UTF8" though probably
the best way is to remove current lang and codepage libraries and
reimplement them from scratch to work well with mulitbyte character
sets, translations between languages and eliminate repeated msg* modules
for the same country but with different encoding.

BTW the Alexandr's method used to inform QT about string encoding in
HVM is very good and simple solution though later we can eliminate using
Unicode base API i.e. hb_parc_utf8(). Now I suggest to use it.

best regards,
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