! Building Harbour 2.0.0beta2 from source - http://www.harbour-project.org
! MAKE: mingw32-make.exe 3.81 sh.exe
! HB_INSTALL_PREFIX: C:\devl\hb20
! HB_HOST_PLAT: win (x86)  HB_SHELL: nt
! HB_PLATFORM: dos (x86) (autodetected)
! HB_COMPILER: watcom (autodetected:
C:/devl/owatcom-1.8/BINNT/wpp386.exe C:/devl/owatcom-1.8/BINW/)
! Component: 'openssl' not supported on dos platform
! Component: 'gpm' not supported on dos platform
! Component: 'slang' not found
! Component: 'curses' not found
! Component: 'x11' not found
! Component: 'wattcp/watt-32' found in C:\devl\watt\inc
wpp386   -fo=hbsocket.obj  ../../../hbsocket.c
../../../hbsocket.c(175): Error! E059: col(23) unable to open 'sys/time.h'
C:\devl\owatcom-1.8\H\unistd.h(43): Error! E670: col(93) function
modifier conflicts with previous declaration '_w32_getopt'
C:\devl\watt\inc\tcp.h(728): Note! N392: col(16) definition: 'int
_w32_getopt( int, char * const *, char const * )'
C:\devl\watt\inc\tcp.h(728): Note! N822: col(16) current declaration
has type 'int watcall ( int, char * const *, char const * )'
../../../hbsocket.c(2330): Warning! W014: col(1) no reference to symbol 'TODO'
../../../hbsocket.c(2323): Note! N392: col(8) definition: 'int TODO'
in 'int hb_socketSetBlockingIO( int, int )'
mingw32-make.exe[1]: *** [hbsocket.obj] Error 8

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