On Tue, 01 Sep 2009, elart wrote:


> So you use and compile DOS/WIN app using Wine...

I'm using WINE only for WIN app. For DOS I use DOSEMU with FreeDOS.
I configured binfmt to execute windows programs using WINE automatically
so I can simply run any windows .exe files just like native applications.
It's also possible to create DOS and Windows application in Linux without
using WINE. You have to download and install MinGW and/or DJGPP for Linux.
I haven't tried DJGPP for Linux yet but MinGW works nicely and I can
create WIN programs though to execute them WINE is still necessary.

> Which distribution are you using...?

SUSE 11.0

> Do you have some guidelines some quick and short guidelines or some
> internet page to get same... on my Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 boxes...

If you configure binfmt then you can try to use as C compiler some native
windows binaries. In such way I compiled Harbour using BCC, OpenWatcom,

> I have already Wine installed
> I think i must be follow the same procedure to install a compiler on Win,
> right... ?

You can look at DEB packages with MinGW cross build. Install them
and then simply execute:

   make HB_PLATFORM=win

to create Harbour MinGW build.

> Which compiler is better
> http://www.harbour-project.org/faq/harbour22.html#22

This is very old text and should be updated.
Personally I like GCC based compilers and I used to use them.
They give very good code for Linux which is comparable in speed
to Intel C compiler at least in speedtst.prg results.
SunPRO C and OpenWatcom gives slower code for li...@x86.
In Windows the fastest code seems to be generated by MSVC and Intel C.
A little bit slower code is given by MinGW-GCC. Next is OpwnWatcom.
Code generated by BCC is noticeable slower and POCC/XCC gives the
slowest code.

best regards,
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