Revision: 12163
Author:   vszakats
Date:     2009-08-18 15:40:42 +0000 (Tue, 18 Aug 2009)

Log Message:
2009-08-17 17:38 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01
  * config/
    * Upped minimum GNU Make version requirement to 3.78 (from 3.70).
      We use many 3.78-only features since very long and in many
      Makefiles (like $(if)). 3.78 was released in 1999, the year
      Harbour has born, so this requirement looks pretty modest.
      Notice however that the "officially" documented (in INSTALL)
      minimum version is 3.81, and there are a few feature we
      actually use and need from this version. Some other make features
      are only enabled when using 3.80 (or upper) (parallel build),
      some others when using 3.81 (or upper) (build configuration
      information, verbose output).
    ; TODO: Either up the minimum version, or try to fix the remaining
            unprotected 3.80/3.81 features.
            My personal opininon is that if there is any reasonable
            chance we should make 3.80 or 3.81 the minimum official 
            This is a *nix-only issue, as dos/win/os2 are all covered 
            with recent 3.81 binary builds. Question is:
            How and which *nix platforms would be affected or limited 
            in such this case?
            BTW, 3.81 was released in 2006, 3.80 in 2002.

  * ChangeLog
    * Updated cross-build compatibility chart.

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