on linux hosts:
-> wce/mingwarm
-> win/mingw
-> win/watcom
-> dos/watcom (*)
I'm creating such binaries but they do not work probably due to
with Linux 'wlink' port which I hope will be fixed in the future.
I'll update the list with this information.
There are also support for many other combinations using HB_CCPREFIX
and HB_USER_CFLAGS, i.e. mipsel cross builds created by Guy recently
or cross builds for any other CPU if someone need them or ucLibC
for systems with limited number of memory, i.e. diskless stations or
different -m32/-m64 combinations or any other variations of all above
Yes, mipsel, I forgot about it. However here we stumble onto the
platform/arch vs. CPU arch terminology clash. I didn't count in
this table any such cases, including mingw64/msvc64/etc builds
which are essentially cross builds but staying within the platform
I hope new .mk implementation won't limit such cross-build cases.
Also as a general rule: autodetection is for known cases, while
manual should work for everything.
-> os2/watcom
on darwin/bsd/hpux/sunos hosts:
-> win/mingw (*)
Phil was creating MinGW binaries for FreeBSD and even added direct
support for it to make_gnu_xmingw.sh.
You can find MinGW cross build binaries for different OS-es or you
can try to recompile them yourself though sometime it's not trivial
due to the problem with 1-st build support.
Thank you, I'll also update it. I've seen the specific support, even
ported it to .mk, but didn't know more about it first hand.
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