[wtorek, 18 sierpie� 2009], Jaroslaw Kadziola napisa�(a): Hi,
> Done > /*** myprg1.prg ***/ > proc main() > AltD() > yy=hb_run("\myprg2.exe par1 par2" ) > return > > i've got on screen : --------------------- > | {"par1","par2"} | > | OK | > --------------------- Thank you. It's OK now though I wanted to confirm that MS does not make some strange things with 1-st parameter when it's equal to application name, i.e. yy=hb_run("\myprg2.exe \myprg2.exe par2 par3" ) I hope not. > BTW : is any chance to build simple GUI application using harbour contribs ? > Like hbQt or hbxbp ? At present harbour for WinCE is good only for > tests (i.e. fonts are not visible for user, boxes and frames are not > correclly displaying etc.,etc.). There are some GUI libraries for WinCE. Probably in the nearest weeks new one will be announced but I'm not its author so I cannot say more about it. I also recompiled for WinCE some libraries like XHGTK but I do not know if GTK for WinCE is available. Probably most of some other GUI libraries can be ported to work with WinCE but it's necesary to clean their code to work with UNICODE macro just like core Harbour code. In WinCE builds only UNICODE API is available. By default Harbour WinCE builds use WVT GT. It's for console application only. If default font is not readable for you then you can update it yourself changing font settings. I.e. look at at /tests/wcecon.prg Look at: HB_GTI_FONTWIDTH and HB_GTI_FONTSIZE. You can also use HB_GTI_FONTNAME to change font type, i.e.: HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_FONTNAME, "fixed" ) or: HB_GTINFO( HB_GTI_FONTNAME, "system" ) You have to check what is available in your WinCE. > My dream is simple harbour application for > WinCE - now i must run clipper app under PocketDOS and how it is > known emulation is not good idea :) You should have exactly the same visual effect as in PocketDOS. Just simply set the same font type and size and inform GT about your apppliation CP encoding, i.e.: REQUEST PL852 hb_setCodePage( "PL852" ) hb_setTermCP( "PL852" ) WinCE uses internally unicode so you only have to chose font which has all glyphs you need. Input/output translation will be done automatically inside GTWVT after above settings. If you find some looking nice setting which can be used also with other WinCE machines then we can use them as default for WinCE WVT. > Thanks to all developers for Your great job !! Thank you for your tests. best regards, Przemek _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour