Hello Massimo

Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote:
> Because demowvg.prg is large to be a sample (
> i prefer reduced code to better understand
> Harbour community still haven't a collect of sample of  all that is
> different from clipper code
> we can start from here to collect
> tomorrow this sample will be included in your doc project
> http://www.harbour.vouch.info/index.html?h_files.htm

Then perhaps one cannot gain from a small sample if he/she 
cannot makeout from a composite application. 

So for your "short" feature - code below could be the perfect 


   LOCAL dDate      := date()
   LOCAL cName      := pad( 'Some Usefule Name'   , 35 )
   LOCAL cAdd1      := pad( 'Linda Goldman Avenue', 35 )
   LOCAL cAdd2      := pad( 'Excellent Street'    , 35 )
   LOCAL cAdd3      := pad( 'Suit #415'           , 35 )
   LOCAL nSlry      := 9000
   LOCAL nColGet    := 8
   LOCAL GetList    := {}
   LOCAL cLabel     := "VOUCH, that GROWS with you"
   LOCAL oTab, oStat, hBoxR, hTxt


   SetColor( "N/W,N/GR*,,,N/W*" )
   hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_WINTITLE, "WVG Simplified yet Powerful CUI-GUI
Console!" )

   @ MaxRow(), 0 SAY PadC( "Navigate the Gets", maxcol()+1 ) COLOR "W+/B"

   @  2, nColGet SAY "< Date >"
   @  5, nColGet SAY "<" + PadC( "Name"   , 33 ) + ">"
   @  8, nColGet SAY "<" + PadC( "Address", 33 ) + ">"
   @ 15, nColGet SAY "< Salary >"

   @  3, nColGet GET dDate  ;
                            WHEN  {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 1, FetchText( 1
) ) } ;
                            Valid {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 6, RGB( 255,0,0
) ), .t. }
   @  6, nColGet GET cName  ;
                            WHEN  {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 1, FetchText( 2
) ) } ;
                            Valid {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 6, RGB(
255,255,0 ) ), ;
                                                  Wvg_SetGObjState( hBoxR, 3
), .t. }
   @  9, nColGet GET cAdd1  ;
                            WHEN  {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 1, FetchText( 3
) ) } ;
                            Valid {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 6, RGB(
255,0,255 ) ), .t. }
   @ 11, nColGet GET cAdd2  ;
                            WHEN  {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 1, FetchText( 4
) ) } ;
                            Valid {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 6, RGB(
255,255,255 ) ), ;
                                                  Wvg_SetGObjState( hBoxR, 1
), .t. }
   @ 13, nColGet GET cAdd3  ;
                            WHEN  {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 6, RGB(
198,21,140 ) ), .t. }
   @ 16, nColGet GET nSlry PICTURE "@Z 9999999.99" ;
                            WHEN  {|| Wvg_SetGObjData( hTxt, 6, RGB( 0,0,0 )
), .t. }

   // The only additional calls to render your console GUI
   // The GETLIST  : This can be embedded via  @ GET preprocessor command
   aEval( GetList, {|oGet| Wvg_BoxGet( oGet:Row, oGet:Col, Len( Transform(
oGet:VarGet(), oGet:Picture ) ) ) } )
   hBoxR := Wvg_BoxRaised( 1,2,18,49, {-5,-5,5,5} )
   Wvg_BoxRecessed( 1,2,18,49 )
   // Wvg_BoxGroup( 2,4,17,47 )
   Wvg_BoxGroupRaised( 2,4,17,47, {-7,-7,7,7} )
   hTxt := Wvg_TextBox( 3,57,16,75, {10,10,-10,-10}, 'This is first TextBox
Line!', 2, 2 )
   Wvg_Image( 15,36,16,42, {-3,-3,3,3}, GOBJ_IMAGESOURCE_FILE, 'Vouch1.bmp'
   Wvg_BoxRaised( 15,36,16,42,{-2,-2,2,2} )
   Wvg_ShadedRect( 1,54,18,79, { -5,-5,5,5 }, 0, {65000,21000,7000,56000},
{255,32255,16000,32500} )
   Wvg_BoxRaised( 1,54,18,79, {-5,-5,5,5} )

   // Instruct GT to Repaint the Screen with GUI elements.

   // Issue the read


> I want post same a question
> What xbase++ function is still incomplete in xbp?
> Two big community (xbase++,gtwvg) will enter in harbour with your project

Did you look into the demoxbp.prg and took the time to 
provide any assisstance in locating what is missing ? Or you are here 
just to raise only questions which you neither verified nor tested ?

> are you still interested to gtwvw compatibility?

No, I am NOT interested in gtwvw. All my energies are concentrated
on Xbase++ as this is much better solution than any other GUI.

Pritpal Bedi

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