I forgot about one thing. I'm attaching simple .prg code which can be linked with MT HVM which shows the speed overhead inside current hb_inetRecvLine(). Please check the speed difference when you executed compiled program without any parameter and with some non empty parameter. In the second version simple .prg function prg_recvline() is used with hb_inetRecv() to emulate read ahead buffer.
BTW I'm interesting in Windows results for above code so if possible please I would like to ask desktop windows and WinCE/WinMobile users to send here "total client time" for above test code executed in both modes. best regards, Przemek
#define N_LOOP 10 static s_nPort := 2345 static s_cHost := "" static s_lStop := .f. proc main( xPar ) local sock, th sock := hb_inetServer( s_nPort ) hb_inetTimeOut( sock, 100 ) if hb_inetErrorCode( sock ) != 0 ? "bind/listen error" hb_inetClose( sock ) sock := NIL else th := hb_threadStart( @srv(), sock ) hb_threadJoin( hb_threadStart( @cli(), !empty( xPar ) ) ) ? "client stopped" ? "server socked closed:", hb_inetClose( sock ) s_lStop := .t. hb_threadJoin( th ) endif ? return proc srv( sock ) local conn, n n := 0 while .t. conn := hb_inetAccept( sock ) if conn == NIL if s_lStop ? "server stopped" exit endif else hb_inetSendAll( conn, "This is connection: " + hb_ntos( ++n ) + ; hb_inetCRLF() ) hb_inetSendAll( conn, repl( repl( "=", 260 ) + ; hb_inetCRLF(), 1000 ) ) hb_inetSendAll( conn, "EOT" + hb_inetCRLF() ) hb_inetClose( conn ) conn := NIL endif enddo return proc cli( lPrgRecv ) local sock, cLine, nLine, nTime, nTot, n, buf nTot := seconds() for n := 1 to N_LOOP sock := hb_inetConnectIP( s_cHost, s_nPort ) if hb_inetErrorCode( sock ) != 0 ? "connect error" else buf := "" nLine := 0 nTime := seconds() while .t. if lPrgRecv cLine := prg_recvline( sock, @buf ) else cLine := hb_inetRecvLine( sock ) endif if valtype( cLine ) != "C" ? "recv error at line:", hb_ntos( nLine ) wait exit endif ++nLine if cLine == "EOT" nTime := seconds() - nTime ? "connection closed, lines:", hb_ntos( nLine ) ? "time:", hb_ntos( nTime ), "sec." exit elseif nLine == 1 ? "First line:", cLine endif enddo endif hb_inetClose( sock ) sock := NIL next nTot := seconds() - nTot ? "==============================" ? "total client time:", hb_ntos( nTot ), "sec." + ; iif( lPrgRecv, "*", "^" ) ? "==============================" return static func prg_recvline( sock, buf ) local cEOL := hb_inetCRLF(), s, n while .t. n := at( cEOL, buf ) if n != 0 exit endif if s == NIL s := space( 100 ) endif n := hb_inetRecv( sock, @s ) if n <= 0 return NIL endif buf += left( s, n ) enddo s := left( buf, n - 1 ) buf := substr( buf, n + len( cEOL ) ) return s
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